on paul the pad. nice to see you. here it is all about high-class, hand-crafted mousepads with a choosable wooden surface. would be great if you spend some time to take a closer look at the pads. or scroll dorwn to get some general information.
why all this kerfuffle
well sure, this is one of these items that does not provide any practical advantage over a same purpose serving, cheeper one. in addition, by following the service suggestions, you may have to spend more attention.
our mousepads want to spend pleasure by there pure existence. when seen laying on the desk, everytime you touch it with your hand and while taking care of it.
some people do not care in spesific about a stupid mousepad. and they are right. but others do care, and we hope to be the end of the search for some of those.

how it is made
first thing to do with the veneer-sheets is to mark the raw pieces for the pads. this is a very important part as you have to look for the unique and also the failure parts of the veneer to get the most of the beauty on every single pad. before cuting a chalk number is written on every piece. this number you will also find on the plate on the bottom.
the cfp we buy in plates with a size of about 0.7m². for the pads 25 cm by 20 cm and smaller they are 1.5 mm thick, the majority though are sizes larger, which are made out of 2 mm material.
we want to go as thin as possible because the thinner the better, and it is also cheeper as the price of the cfp is increasing nearly linear to the thickness.
speaking of thinner is better, at the bottom edge we mill down the cfp to a thickness of about 1mm to get it even more handy and economic.

now it is time to finaly decide which cfp size to use for the veneer pieces. one limiting factor can be the wideness of veneer. besides that we try to make the best out of it by looking, again, at the structure and what we think the costumer wants, or really wants.
as glue we apply a thin layer of 15 min epoxy resin on the cfp. this fits the material and provides a proper conection between the cfp and the wood. the two then have to go to a veneer press. by raising the temerature to 50 °C the epoxy raisn gain more than enugh strength after ten minutes, wenn the press opens.

after cutting the supernatant veneer with a knive all four edges are grided flat wiht a belt sander to make them even an look good. special glue is used to keep the cut and grinded cfp edges form fraying.
the surface is sanded by machine and finally by hand to get it nice and even.
with the oil we prety much stick with the instructions from steinerts. after polishing the first layer of oil into the wood the excess oil is whiped away we sand the pad one angain. then, after drying out over nigt, the final layer of oil is applied. and after the final polish the whole glorry of nature comes to shine.

the silicone feet are glued on to provide a propper stand. the plate wiht the producing date and serial number marks the end poit of the production process. now the pad in its fabric sleeve and a 10 ml shot of oil are paced together ready to be shiped to you, hopefully, please.

what do you get
first, and most importand, your personal and unique mousepad. well oiled and ready to use.
it is wraped in hand sewn fabric sleeve for transportation purpuses. the sleeve is made of cotton. it closes using two magnets. this provides an easy to use and reiable close.
also 10ml of steinerts drechsleröl are included to refresh your pad from time to time. afterwards you can just use anything you like to protect the wood but you also want to contact with your hand.
the whole thing is put in a simple good old cardboard box hallmarked with the number of the included pad.

service tips
one thing always to keep in mind, the appearence of the wood will not stay constant. all wood is light- and whatever-sensitive it will change colour over time. you will also see how the pad is used, where your hand is laying and where the mouse is mooving commonly. you should not just accept that but maybe even like it. no way to repeat to often that we would be thankfull to hear your usage storys.

but now here is what you can do to keep your pad in good shape:
use a dry or lightly wet cotton or paper to to whipe. go in fibrous direction and do apply some preassure if needed to get it clean. nothing special, we know, just basic cleaning. if you mind, you can use some oil afterwards.
when you use the paced by steinerts drechsleröl, with wich the pad is already treated. we recommend to stick to the instructions given by steinerts. you will also get a copy with your pad. besides that, it is always good to try out yourself, hof often, you refresh your baby with some oil.

in certain intervals, it may be time to use some sanding paper. try to clean it first as good as possible then use paper round about the 240 grain mark, in fibrous direction, till you got it the way you want it. keep in mind that you are sanding off material of a 0.6mm thick wooden plate. be carefull. then you should apply two layers of oil subsequently. waiting for about half a day between the two.

well, hard to do faq when you are a new company like we are. there are not a lot of questions and even less ask frequently. till this changes, here are some partly immaginable but maybe interesting quetions ask. btw. as we are a young company still full of intusiasm dying to gain better and get in contact with our costumers, please write us your thoughts or suggestions. they will be take seriously.
q: how long will my pad last?
a: depending on the usage, do not know. you will see individual, your, signs of use soon. keeping the service suggestions in mind and maybe add the power of your brain in a proper way. doing your pad something good from time to time will increase its lifespan. wow. but as mentioned, do not hesitate to get in contact in case there is thing to mention.
q: you work partly with exotic wood. what do you do for enviromental protection?
a: nothing special is the true and short answer. but we all grew up close to nature and love it. we think we are aware of the problems that can be caused by trading or usig wood, or any other (nature) product. but keep in mind, ours are not mass products. you have to pay a lot of money for relative small piece of rain forrest, if you like. and also the production and as a consequence the use of cfp is not what you would speciffically call enviromently friendly. that is a problem for us we have in mind. in future we certainly become active in that direction.
q: what do the signs mean next to veneer or wood?
a: most thingst should be rather self-explaining:

q: what about the numbers?
a: the -sign stands for both the veneer number and the pad number. while every pad got its own unique serial, the veneer-sheets form one tunk normally obtained at once got one together.